Please check all the appropriate boxes. If, for example, you are not awarded the Stafford or Billikopf Scholarships, you may still qualify for the Ward and Albright Scholarships.
The Helen G. Stafford (All Westhampton College non-seniors) The Jacob Billikopf Scholarship (All Richmond College non-seniors) The Harry M. Ward Scholarship (All non-seniors) The Spencer & Margaret Albright Scholarship (All non-seniors) The Maude Howlett Woodfin-Susan Lough Grant (Westhampton College seniors and graduates admitted to graduate study)
Date: |
Year in school next fall: |
Name in full: |
UR ID#: |
Permanent home address: |
Street: City: State: Zip:
College Address: |
Email Address: |
Date of Birth: |
Grade Point Average: |
Statement of Need: |
Briefly describe your financial circumstances for the coming academic year. Include such matters as your available resources, the size of your debt, whether and how much you work to make ends meet, and significant changes in your family situation.
Personal Profile: |
If you are an undergraduate, briefly describe your life and plans as a student. What path have you taken through the history major, where are you headed with it, and what extra-curricular activities have you been involved in? If you are applying for renewal of the Woodfin-Lough Grant, describe your experience in graduate study.