Upcoming Courses
Fall 2025
Categories below refer to the geographical distribution requirements for the history major. Students must take courses in four of the eight areas. These may be at the 100, 200, or 300 level.
The geographical areas are as follows: North America (HINA), Latin America/Caribbean (HILA), Africa (HIAF), Europe (HIEU), Middle East (HIME), Asia (HIAS), Pre-1800 (HIPR), United States (HIUS) and Comparative/Transnational/Global (HICT).
HIST 199-01 — Maps & Resistance in Latin America (AIHS, FSHT)
HIST 199-02 — American Foreign Relations to 1913 (AIHS, FSHT)
HIST 199-03 — Presidents & Precedents: A History of the American Presidency (AIHS, FSHT, HIUS)
HIST 199-04 — Watergate (AIHS, FSHT)
HIST 204 — The Civil War & Reconstructions
HIST 213 — Lawrence v. Texas
HIST 216 — American Culture, 1945-2000
HIST 222 — Hellenistic Greece/Republic of Rome
HIST 227 — The High Middle Ages
HIST 232 — British Business History
HIST 248 — Europe in Crisis, 1881-1949
HIST 260 — Colonial Latin America
HIST 282 — Africa in the 20th Century
HIST 399-01 — ST: Civil War Memory
HIST 399-02 — ST: Fields, Factories, Robots
HIST 400 — ST: Social Reformers in the Modern British World
HIST 400 (Spring 2026) — The Atlantic World